Maintenance Plans

2 Hours per Month

Maintenance plans cover written content updates, writing, rewriting and creating meta keyword and content tags plus optimizing your content to work with your tags for relevant natural search, phone support and face to face meetings in our office. They can also be applied to us meeting you in your office, however there is an additional $10.00 trip charge plus 58.5 cents per mile for any travel over 5 miles.
Hours are valid for the duration of the payment period. i.e. if paying quarterly, hours are valid for the quarter. If paying monthly, they are only valid for the month.

3 Hours per Month

Maintenance plans cover written content updates, writing, rewriting and creating meta keyword and content tags plus optimizing your content to work with your tags for relevant natural search, phone support and face to face meetings in our office. They can also be applied to us meeting you in your office, however there is an additional $10.00 trip charge plus 58.5 cents per mile for any travel over 5 miles.
Hours are valid for the duration of the payment period. i.e. if paying quarterly, hours are valid for the quarter. If paying monthly, they are only valid for the month.

4 Hours per Month

Maintenance plans cover written content updates, writing, rewriting and creating meta keyword and content tags plus optimizing your content to work with your tags for relevant natural search, phone support and face to face meetings in our office. They can also be applied to us meeting you in your office, however there is an additional $10.00 trip charge plus 58.5 cents per mile for any travel over 5 miles.
Hours are valid for the duration of the payment period. i.e. if paying quarterly, hours are valid for the quarter. If paying monthly, they are only valid for the month.

5 Hours per Month

Maintenance plans cover written content updates, writing, rewriting and creating meta keyword and content tags plus optimizing your content to work with your tags for relevant natural search, phone support and face to face meetings in our office. They can also be applied to us meeting you in your office, however there is an additional $10.00 trip charge plus 58.5 cents per mile for any travel over 5 miles.
Hours are valid for the duration of the payment period. i.e. if paying quarterly, hours are valid for the quarter. If paying monthly, they are only valid for the month.

Quarterly Maintenance Plan (3 Hours Total)

Maintenance plans cover written content updates, writing, rewriting and creating meta keyword and content tags plus optimizing your content to work with your tags for relevant natural search, phone support and face to face meetings in our office. They can also be applied to us meeting you in your office, however there is an additional $10.00 trip charge plus 58.5 cents per mile for any travel over 5 miles.
Hours are valid for the duration of the payment period. i.e. if paying quarterly, hours are valid for the quarter. If paying monthly, they are only valid for the month.

Social Media Maintenance

Up to two hours of management / promotion for your twitter/facebook page. If you don't have one set up, that will be done for you on ordering of the plan. You provide us the details of promos, blogs, associated facebook/twitter pages you would like an alliance with, or already have an alliance with, and we take care of the rest! It is not required that you are a hosting client with us in order to take advantage of our social media maintenance.

$100.00 USD
$30.00 Beállítási díj
SSL Cert

Secure Certificate for domain name